Unorthodox Credentials: Journalist/Press Critic
How I got my bonafides
“You’re not a journalist!” she accused after reading my September 23, 1989 Editor & Publisher’s SHOP TALK AT THIRTY, “Scrutinizing press coverage of an issue in Vermont,” a copy of which I had given her. Grinding out a couple of stories each day for the Rutland Herald, she thought that “journalist” only applies to a staff reporter like herself.
Did Phoebe even know what E&P was?

The old cast of characters populating the 35th floor of 575 Lexington Ave, New York, N.Y. 10022 – some drab like Teubener, the semi-literate retired military man turned publisher; some flamboyant, like ad salesman Muldaur spinning out a stream of semi-believable tales; Donald “I don’t have a noble bone in my body” Parvin; and the gaggle of editors down the end of the hallway – are gone.
Shoptalk At Thirty always started on the last page, with the jump page earlier in the book. Newspaper convention is that “30” means, “The End.” David Astor, then editor of E&P’s popular Syndicates column, told me that many subscribers, upon receiving the new issue, immediately open to the last page. These days – online – it is no longer “Shoptalk At Thirty,” just “Shop Talk.”
My September 23, 1989 Shop Talk, Scrutinizing press coverage of an issue in Vermont, featured our brave little state’s leadership in thwarting the misuse of Eminent Domain to serve corporate profit over the public good.
David mentored me on E&P writing style while I worked on my first Shop Talk, Animal Rights: Front-page news, which appeared in the June 23, 1984 issue. This was the second time I had brought to the managing editor’s attention an important story E&P had overlooked, and got the assignment.

According to a press review by Jim Mason, editor of The Animal’s Agenda, the year following publication of my Animal Rights Shop Talk, press coverage of that movement increased four-fold. It is not surprising that this commentary had a significant effect, as E&P was read by well over 90% of managing editors of United States dailies.
The year I became focused on news reporting, 1956, was an important year: My wife was born, Israel and Egypt went to war, and Budapest erupted against Russian occupation. I was unaware of the first event, but my friends and I tried to get near a radio for news updates at the top of each hour. I was 11. I have read that what interests a child at that age foreshadows a lifetime interest. From then on I become a news junky. How amazing that a birth, unbeknown to me in 1956, would start a chain of events resulting in my unofficial journalism apprenticeship at the hub of newspapering.
I met Donna at a mid-week forum run by WBAI In The Spirit radio host, Lex Hixon. On the day of our first date, she had just interviewed for a job in the Ad Department at E&P. After she began working there, I would often show up at 5 to meet her. When a seagull told me to quit my job as a laborer [a story for another time] Donna asked don’t-have-a-noble-bone-in-my-body advertising manager Donald Parvin if he could use me.
“That guy always looks like he’s been working under a car,” replied Parvin. “Tell him to clean up and come in for an interview in a three-piece suit.”

I started as a typist in the Ad Department, but did such a poor job that Parvin arranged for me to become Assistant Librarian, where I read every article, pamphlet and anything else I could find on press ethics. From conversations with the editors, who would pop in frequently, I gleaned a wealth of knowledge, without doubt more vital that I would have learned from J-School lectures and text books: an informal education on journalism, with press ethics my specialty.
When I learned of the controversial firing of the Editor of the Amsterdam News after he ran an editorial calling for the defeat of Mayor Koch, I realized that this story had been overlooked by E&P. I asked the Managing Editor if I could cover it. He said yes. It was Autumn, and when I asked the librarian for an extended lunch break, thinking it was for Christmas Shopping, she smiled and agreed.
Normally E&P would cover a “small” story by making telephone calls from the office. I headed straight for Harlem, where I interviewed Wilbert A. Tatum, chairman of the Amsterdam News; John Davis, the fired Editor; and sought comment from people on 125th Street. In my interview following his press conference, Davis said he was fired, “because of my well known opposition to the race-baiting policies of the demagogue who is the mayor of this city.”
Later, with his supporters picketing, I told Davis that I do not like to cross a picket line, but I needed to go inside the Amsterdam News building to interview Tatum. Davis positioned himself so as to leave a path toward the door, and told me that if I walk behind him I would not be crossing the picket line. Upstairs in the boardroom, with the board present, Tatum told me that Davis was laid off because of financial distress following a “devastating” six month strike, diminished circulation, and lost advertising revenues. Tatum called Davis, “a fine editorial writer,” and said that, “with my knowledge of this Administration I applaud it” [the editorial].
After I left, Tatum called E&P to check on me. That lead to the librarian finding out where I had gone. A few days later I received a letter from her firing me because my pursuit of a job in the editorial department was distracting me from my work in the library. I figured that was it for me: Now E&P would not run my Amsterdam News piece and I would be washed up there altogether.
To my surprise, a couple of weeks after my firing they ran my bylined article – Amsterdam News fires executive editor – at the top of page 19 of the November 19, 1983 issue. Subsequently my byline appeared on two Shop Talks and on a cover story.

I learned that you can be a dirty-dog in the library; yet despite getting fired, the editorial department still respects your work. Those E&P clips opened doors when I pitched freelance articles to local publications.
Thanks to Donna being fired for getting mouthy with the librarian over my firing, she also got fired, thus allowing us to relocate to Vermont as we were both on unemployment insurance.
Locally I scarcely became known as a writer until after the 1988 Scrutinizing Press Coverage piece, even though the cover story about the Brattleboro Reformer’s unprecedented front-page publication of an anonymous letter by a rape survivor, “Unsigned letter runs as lead story: Vermont newspaper crusades against ‘Scarlet Letter’ by running rape victim’s letter on the front page” had run a few months prior.
The letter was run under a 6 column headline: “Rape victim: ‘Enraged,’ not ‘embarrassed’” Along side, ran the managing editor’s explanation: “An issue of public debate.” Columbia Journalism Review awarded the Reformer a prestigious Laurel, “for taking a journalistic lemon and making lemonade.” Foreshadowing the Me Too movement: The stance taken by the Reformer prompted other newspapers, not only to listen, but to speak out.
After several years of keeping our distance, Brattleboro Reformer Managing Editor, Norman Runnion and I got to know each other when I interviewed him and his ace reporter, Tego. I was gathering information for the July 2, 1988 cover story: “Unsigned letter runs as lead story: Vermont newspaper crusades against ‘Scarlet Letter’ by running rape victim’s letter on the front page.‘” I think Norm was surprised that I was on assignment from Editor & Publisher… a disreputable individual like me. I worried whether he would believe me, but in retrospect I realize that he must have called E&P to check.

A few weeks after that article ran, feeling somewhat dejected I was sitting at the end of a row of backless, swiveling counter-stools in the old downtown Dunkin’ Donuts. In walks Norman Runnion and sits on the adjacent stool. From that stool, Norman Runnion gave me the highest compliment an editor can give a journalist:
“You got the lead right. You got the story right.

What Ever Happened to Editor & Publisher?
Every Friday for nearly a century, the new issue of Editor & Publisher got passed around newsrooms, to be devoured by members of the 4th Estate.
Founded in 1901, The Bible of the Newspaper Industry was family-owned until 1999 when – in decline along with the industry it served – E&P was sold by its owner, Robert U. Brown to the Nielsen Company which apparently stuffed it into a broom closet, on life support.
With Nelson about to shut it down forever, Editor & Publisher was purchased and revived by Duncan McIntosh Company which later sold the publication to, Mike Blinder. Blinder’s online E&P (now a monthly and still a publication that readers look forward to receiving) is distributed to subscribers via email.
Recognizing the value of keeping viable the chronicler of newspapering, Blinder must love E&P: He saved the complete collection of back issues in climate-controlled boxes, and digitized the articles so that he could contribute them to the Internet Archive.
More than a sentimental love of an iconic publication, Blinder has kept available the information in E&P’s International Yearbook and Market Guide both no longer published, once sources of business data, invaluable to keeping newspapers economically viable.
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Reformer 100 Year Retrospective
Having had a couple hundred or so bylined news pieces published, unarguably I can call myself a freelance journalist. But calling myself a press critic, either I am bold, nervy, or just stating a plain fact. The last place which will recognize you as a press critic is your home town. When Brattleboro’s daily quoted me in that role, my status was established.
The Reformer’s special one hundred year retrospective featured — out of 30,000+ editions — the particular few to be remembered for making a significant impact. The story below commemorated the Reformer’s crusade against stigmatization of rape victims, anticipating the me-too movement by a couple of decades.